Window Classes

Window classes are sets of attributes shared by a group of windows. When a new window is created (for example, by CreateWindowEx), it inherits many of its properties from its class. One major use of classes is the creation of controls. Predefined window classes are essentially what makes controls such as buttons or edit boxes appear different from "normal" windows (although all windows belong to one class or another).

Of course, you are not limited to using only the predefined classes. By calling RegisterClassEx your program can create its own window classes. However, for most purposes, using one of the predefined classes is best when creating some sort of control, especially if one already exists.

Typically, a program uses these classes to create controls. Each class also has a unique set of window style flags that only apply to it. These unique styles typically control properties specific to that type of control. Below is a list of some of the window classes predefined in the Windows API. Note that this list does not (yet) include all classes defined in the Windows API. Information that applies to all window classes in general appears first in the list.

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Last Modified: October 29, 2000
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