DestroyCursor Function

Declare Function DestroyCursor Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hCursor As Long) As Long

Platforms: Win 32s, Win 95/98, Win NT

DestroyCursor destroys a cursor and deletes its handle. The cursor must have been created using the CreateCursor functions. Do not use this function with a cursor handle obtained in any other manner! The function returns 1 if successful, or 0 if an error occured.

A handle to the cursor to delete.


' Create a 32x32 color cursor shaped somewhat like a yin-yang symbol.
' (The bit masks come from Microsoft's documentation on the API cursors function, just to
' give them their due credit.)  Note how the masks are loaded into the arrays.  The new
' cursor is then set to be the cursor for 10 seconds.
Dim hnewcursor As Long  ' newly created cursor
Dim holdcursor As Long  ' receives handle of default cursor
Dim andbuffer As String, xorbuffer As String  ' buffers for masks
Dim andbits(0 To 127) As Byte  ' stores the AND mask
Dim xorbits(0 To 127) As Byte  ' stores the XOR mask
Dim c As Integer, retval As Long  ' counter and return value

' Unfortunately, VB does not provide a nice way to load lots of information into an array.
' To load the AND and XOR masks, we put the raw hex values into the string buffers
' and use a loop to convert the hex values into numeric values and load them into
' the elements of the array.  Yes, it's ugly, but there's no better way.  Note the
' use of the line-continuation character here.  Each sequence of eight hex
' characters represents one line in the 32x32 cursor.
andbuffer = "FFFC3FFF" & "FFC01FFF" & "FF003FFF" & "FE00FFFF" & _
            "F701FFFF" & "F003FFFF" & "F003FFFF" & "E007FFFF" & _
            "C007FFFF" & "C00FFFFF" & "800FFFFF" & "800FFFFF" & _
            "8007FFFF" & "8007FFFF" & "0003FFFF" & "0000FFFF" & _
            "00007FFF" & "00001FFF" & "00000FFF" & "80000FFF" & _
            "800007FF" & "800007FF" & "C00007FF" & "C0000FFF" & _
            "E0000FFF" & "F0001FFF" & "F0001FFF" & "F8003FFF" & _
            "FE007FFF" & "FF00FFFF" & "FFC3FFFF" & "FFFFFFFF"
xorbuffer = "00000000" & "0003C000" & "003F0000" & "00FE0000" & _
            "0EFC0000" & "07F80000" & "07F80000" & "0FF00000" & _
            "1FF00000" & "1FE00000" & "3FE00000" & "3FE00000" & _
            "3FF00000" & "7FF00000" & "7FF80000" & "7FFC0000" & _
            "7FFF0000" & "7FFF8000" & "7FFFE000" & "3FFFE000" & _
            "3FC7F000" & "3F83F000" & "1F83F000" & "1F83E000" & _
            "0FC7E000" & "07FFC000" & "07FFC000" & "01FF8000" & _
            "00FF0000" & "003C0000" & "00000000" & "00000000"
' Now load these hex values into the proper arrays.
For c = 0 To 127
  andbits(c) = "&H" & Mid(andbuffer, 2 * c + 1)
  xorbits(c) = "&H" & Mid(xorbuffer, 2 * c + 1)
Next c

' Finally, create this cursor!  The hotspot is at (19,2) on the cursor.
hnewcursor = CreateCursor(App.hInstance, 19, 2, 32, 32, andbits(0), xorbits(0))
' Set the new cursor as the current cursor for 10 seconds and then switch back.
holdcursor = SetCursor(hnewcursor)  ' change cursor
Sleep 10000  ' wait for 10 seconds
retval = SetCursor(holdcursor)  ' change cursor back
' Destroy the new cursor.
retval = DestroyCursor(hnewcursor)

See Also: CreateCursor
Category: Cursor

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