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Page History: CLR Integration - SQL Server

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Page Revision: Wed, Feb 04, 2009, 10:57 AM

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Configuring the Server to Enable Usage

To enable CLR integration, you must have the ALTER SETTINGS server-level permission, which is implicitly held by members of the sysadmin and serveradmin fixed server roles. To view the current setting, use sp_configure. To enable CLR integration, use the following script.

sp_dbcmptlevel 90
sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1


VS 2005 Professional Edition

  1. Create/add new project and select one of the following project types
    • Visual Basic > Database > SQL Server Project
    • C# > Database > SQL Server Project
  2. On the Project menu, select one of the following
    • Add User-Defined Function
    • Add Stored Procedure
    • Add Aggregate
    • Add Trigger
    • Add User-Defined Type

VS 2005 Standard Edition

1. Create/add a new project using a project type of Class Library

2. For each class you create reference (using in C#; Imports in VB) the System.Data.SqlTypes and Microsoft.SqlServer.Server namespaces.

3. For each object you want to expose to the database, you must place the code in a static (Shared in VB) method in a static (Shared in VB) class with an appropriate attribute on the method, as indicated below. (The names of these classes seems to be fixed.)

ItemClass NameMethod Attribute
User Defined FunctionsUserDefinedFunctionsSqlFunction()
Stored ProceduresStoredProceduresSqlProcedure()

4. Parameters for the SqlTrigger() attribute

a) Target parameter = table name or "database"


5. Table-Valued Function Example

[SqlFunction(FillRowMethodName="FillRow", DataAccess=DataAccessKind.Read)]
public static IEnumerable GetNewBalances(SqlGuid accountId)
	//- Inits --------------------------------------------------------------
	decimal runningSum = 0;
	DataTable result = new DataTable();
	result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("TransactionId", typeof(Guid)));
	result.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("NewBalance", typeof(Decimal)));

	//-- Load Account Transactions -----------------------------------------
	SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true;");
	SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("GetAccountTransactionsSorted", conn);
	cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
	cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accountId", accountId);
	SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

	//- Loop Through Rows, Calculating the New Balance as We Go ------------
	while (reader.Read())
		decimal signedAmount = (decimal)reader[1];
		runningSum += signedAmount;

		DataRow newRow = result.NewRow();
		newRow["TransactionId"] = (Guid)reader[0];
		newRow["NewBalance"] = runningSum;

	return result.Rows;
public static void FillRow(Object dataRow, out SqlGuid transactionId, out SqlMoney 
	transactionId = new SqlGuid((Guid)(((DataRow)dataRow).ItemArray[0]));
	newBalance = new SqlMoney((Decimal)(((DataRow)dataRow).ItemArray[1]));

6. Aggregates: use the following template

public struct Aggregate1
    // This is a place-holder member field
    private int var1;
    public void Init()
        // Put your code here
    public void Accumulate(SqlString Value)
        // Put your code here
    public void Merge(Aggregate1 Group)
        // Put your code here
    public SqlString Terminate()
        // Put your code here
        return new SqlString("");

7. User Defined Types: use the following template

public struct Type1 : INullable
    public override string ToString()
        // Replace the following code with your code
        return "";
    public bool IsNull
            // Put your code here
            return m_Null;
    public static Type1 Null
            Type1 h = new Type1();
            h.m_Null = true;
            return h;
    public static Type1 Parse(SqlString s)
        if (s.IsNull)
            return Null;
        Type1 u = new Type1();
        // Put your code here
        return u;
    // This is a place-holder method
    public string Method1()
        //Insert method code here
        return "Hello";
    // This is a place-holder static method
    public static SqlString Method2()
        //Insert method code here
        return new SqlString("Hello");
    // This is a place-holder field member
    public int var1;
    // Private member
    private bool m_Null;

Useful Classes

SqlContext class

  • Provides a Pipe.Send(string output) method to echo a message back to the SQL Server Management Studio window.
  • Provides a TriggerContext property

SqlTriggerContext class

  • Provides detailed information about the context in which the trigger was fired


A SqlConnection object can refer to the existing connection as follows.

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("context connection=true;");


Configuring External Access

If you want to deploy your assembly with any Permission Level but safe, you must configure the database accordingly.

  • To access the file system on the database server, you must use a Permission Level of external.

  • An assembly is authorized for non-safe permission level when either (1) the database owner has EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission and the database has the TRUSTWORTHY database property on; OR (2) the assembly is signed with a certificate or an asymmetric key that has a corresponding login with EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY permission.

    The first condition is met as follows. This script assumes a user profile called MyNewDatabaseOwner exists on the server and you are working in a database called MyDatabase.

Option A

use master
alter database MyDatabase set trustworthy on
grant external access assembly to [BUILTIN\Administrators]

Option B

use master
alter database [MyDatabase] set trustworthy on

use [MyDatabase]
-- For this next line to work, a Server Login called 
-- 'MyNewDatabaseOwner' must exist.
exec sp_changedbowner 'MyNewDatabaseOwner'

use master
grant external access assembly to MyNewDatabaseOwner

VS 2005 Professional Edition

1. On the project's Property page, navigate to the Database tab

2. Set the Connection String, Permission Level, and Assembly Owner according to how and where you want to deploy the assembly and its objects.

3. On the Build menu, click Deploy your-project-name.

VS 2005 Standard Edition

Use this script template. The "three-part-name" is the form: AssemblyName.[Namespace.ClassName].MethodName.

-- Dropping a trigger ----------------------------------------------------
if  exists (select * from sys.triggers where name = N'{trigger-name}' and 

drop trigger [{trigger-name}] on database

-- Dropping an assembly (all its objects must be dropped first) ----------
if  exists (select * from sys.assemblies asms where asms.name = 

drop assembly [{assembly-name}]


-- Creating an assembly --------------------------------------------------
create assembly {assembly-name} from '{full-path-to-DLL}' 
with permission_set={external_access | safe | unsafe}

-- Creating a function ---------------------------------------------------
-- Note: The SqlString data type corresponds to NVARCHAR(4000)
create function SortLetters(@inputText nvarchar(4000)) returns 
nvarchar(4000) with execute as caller as external name {three-part-name}.

-- Creating a trigger ----------------------------------------------------
create trigger {trigger-name} on database
for create_procedure, alter_procedure, create_view, alter_view, create_function, 
alter_function, create_trigger, alter_trigger as external name {three-part-name}

-- Enabling a trigger ----------------------------------------------------
enable trigger {trigger-name} on database

Events for the CREATE TRIGGER statement

a) Database-Level events that can be audited

1) DDL Table events: Create table, Alter table, Drop table
2) DDL view events : Create view, Alter view, Drop view
3) DDL trigger events :Create trigger, Drop trigger, Alter trigger
4) DDL synonym events: Create synonym, drop synonym
5) DDL Index events: Create index, Alter index, Drop Index
6) DDL Database level security events:
7) Create User, Drop user, Alter user
8) Create role, Drop role, Alter role
9) Create application role, Drop application role, Alter Application role
10) Create Schema, Drop Schema, Alter Schema
11) Grant database access, Revoke database access, Deny Database access
12) DDL Service broker events:
13) Create Message type, Alter Message type, Drop Message type
14) Create contract, Drop contract, Alter contract
15) Create Service, Alter service, Drop Service
16) Create route, Drop route, Alter route

b) Server-Level events that can be audited

1) Create Database, Drop Database
2) Create Login, Drop Login, Alter Login

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