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protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsCallback) { if (IsPostBack) { SignForm(); } else LoadPDF(); } } void LoadPDF() { int userID, formID, userFormID; int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["UserID"], out userID); int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["FormID"], out formID); int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["UserFormID"], out userFormID); UserID = userID; FormID = formID; UserFormID = userFormID; CurrentUP = DataAccessSQL.GetPDFUserProfile(UserID); CurrentFF = DataAccessSQL.GetFormFields(FormID); if (UserFormID > 0) { CurrentUF = DataAccessSQL.GetUserForm(UserFormID, null, null); UserID = CurrentUF.UserID; FormID = CurrentUF.SourceFormID; hdnSigned.Value = (CurrentUF.Signed ? "1" : "0"); } CurrentSF = DataAccessSQL.GetSourceForm(FormID, null); hdnSignatureRequired.Value = (CurrentSF.SignatureReqd ? "1" : "0"); string filePath = (UserFormID > 0) ? GetUserFormsFilePath(CurrentUF.PDFName) : GetSourceFormsFilePath(CurrentSF.FilePath); byte[] pdfData = File.ReadAllBytes(filePath); this.PdfWebControl1.CreateDocument(CurrentSF.FormName, pdfData, PdfDocumentSettings.IsReadOnlyExceptFormFields | PdfDocumentSettings.EnforceRequired); PrefillPDF(CurrentUP); }
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